This page is intended to provide more in depth answers to the questions we most often hear. Our goal is to make Puckety Church a place that is comfortable, welcoming and exciting to be a part of. We want you to understand that a relationship with Jesus is a life changing experience and that while our building may be called a church, the REAL church is our people!
This is a great question, and not always easy to answer. Different generations approach this from different perspectives, and we want to be sensitive to everyone. For folks who have gone to church for many years, getting dressed up is a way to show respect and reverence for God. For them, wearing a suit, dress, sport coat or slacks is their choice. We get that, and want them to feel free to dress in a way that enhances their worship. For others, suits and dresses are uncomfortable and often not in some people's wardrobe. That's not a problem either! Jeans, shorts, t-shirts, polo's - if you are comfortable in those clothes, then we want you to wear them. We realize that what you are wearing is not meant as a statement about your relationship with God. You are not intending to be disrespectful or irreverent. Rather, you just want to come to church and see what it's all about, and you are wearing what works for you. In the end, we believe that God looks at our hearts, and not our outward appearance (see 1 Samuel 16:7)
Another super question. Puckety Church long ago decided that giving was never going to be about the budget, or paying the bills. We believe in the concept of tithing (giving a tenth back to God), and we want to encourage people to understand that giving back to God is something we want to do joyfully and as a part of our worship (see 2 Corinthians 9:7). However, we also understand that this is a very personal issue between you and God. If you are our guest, we certainly don't expect you to put anything in the offering plate. If you choose to give an offering as part of your worship, we will gladly accept that!
That is up to you. We do our best to welcome our visitors, but we also don't want you to feel uncomfortable. There will be greeters at the door when you enter the building, and some folks may stop and say hello before or after the service. Please understand this is not part of a "membership drive" or an effort to twist your arm so you will join the church. We simply want you to know we are glad you chose to join us, and you are welcome here!
What is a Presbyterian?
The root of “Presbyterian” is the Greek word “presbuteros.” In the New Testament, “presbuteros” means "elder," and refers to the biblical practice of choosing leaders and advisor from among the members of the church who evidence the presence of the Holy Spirit in giftedness and life.
This is the most direct connection of the word "Presbyterian" because it refers to how the church's life is governed. As an extension, Presbyterians are very "connectional" - congregations are not independent bodies, but connected and interdependent with other bodies of the church (locally, regionally and globally).
Presbyterians are a group of Protestants whose life and faith is founded on the concept of democratic rule under the Word of God.
Though there are unique beliefs tied to our heritage (Sovereignty of God, salvation by grace alone through faith in Christ alone, and the importance of respecting individual conscience in line with Scripture) ... all that is required to be a Presbyterian is to:
o Confess the Christian faith - that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, the promised Savior, and Lord of all, as witnessed by the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament.
o Trust in God through Christ as our forgiving Savior.
o Promise to follow Christ and increasingly walk in the way of the Holy Spirit.
o Commit oneself to be an active part of Christ's commission to the church (his body): worship, discipleship, service and mission.
Worship & Youth Church
10 AM Sunday
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